The Top Family Law Blogs

To understand what needs to be put in a prenuptial agreement, you need to understand the basics of family law.
Family law is quite a complicated matter, and a legal consultation lasting several hours just to understand the basics is fairly expensive. Fortunately, there are a number of attorneys who graciously share their expertise and knowledge of divorce and family law for free in their blogs.

There are a number of family law bloggers out there, each with their own style and slant on things. A number of them stand out, and the following is a ranking of the Top 30 Family Law Blogs:

1. Cavers Divorce

Cavers Law by J. Shannon Cavers Update – unfortunately, this blog no longer exists

This is my choice of the top family law blog. There is a post almost every day on this blog, including many that examine the lighter side of the law. It’s the kind of blog that’s so interesting that you lose track of time as you read through it. Recent posts include discussions about voiding marriages after death, losses suffered by children after divorce, and children and relocation.

2. Kansas Family Law Blog

Kansas Family Law Blog by Grant D. Griffiths Update – unfortunately, this blog no longer exists

An extraordinary blog by an extraordinary blogger who also writes several other blogs including the Home Office Lawyer and the Kansas Criminal Defense blog. Most interestingly, he successfully runs his law practice out of his home, which can’t be easy to do. Recent posts include discussions about fixed fees in family law cases, the unconstitutionality of law barring adoption by same sex couples and child dependency deductions.

3. New York Divorce Law Blog

New York Divorce Law Blog by David A. Gabay Update – unfortunately, this blog no longer exists

An interesting blog that covers a lot about divorce and businesses. Recent posts include discussions about divorce planning, selling the marital residence after divorce, and initial consultations with family law lawyers.

4. The Divorce Report

The Divorce Report by Daniel E. Clement

Written in an easy to read style, this blog covers a lot about divorce in the news, making it always topical. Recent posts include discussions about orders of protection for dogs, invalidating prenuptial agreements due to alleged mental illness and marriages being of shorter duration.

5. Arizona Family Law Blog

Arizona Family Law Blog by several lawyers of the Nirenstein Ruotolo Group

This blog keep you up to date with current cases that are decided or are in the news. Recent posts include discussions about Christina Applegate’s divorce, asylum for women persecuted under China’s family planning policy, and voicemail being discoverable.

6. Pennsylvania Family Law Blog

Pennsylvania Family Law by Charles J. Meyer, of Fox Rothschild LLP

Provides a lot of useful information and tips for people going through a divorce. Recent posts include discussions about divorce after death, child support for celebrities and falling divorce rates.

7. Chicago Family Law Blog

Chicago Family Law Blog by Alan Pearlman

Deals with practical nuts and bolts issues that will be of interest to anyone wanting to learn the basics of family law. Recent posts include discussions about deductibility of divorce-related payments, modifying child custody, and alternatives to bitter divorces.

8. Mark Wortman Family Law

Mark Wortman Law by Mark A. C. Wortman

A blog written with great passion. Recent posts include discussions about when child support ends, award of attorneys fees, and dog custody.

9. Law Professors Family Law

Law Professors – Family Law – edited by Barbara Glesner Fines and Nancy Ver Steegh

Covers family law topics from a more scholarly point of view. Regularly updated with discussions about important cases shaping the law regarding the family. Recent posts include discussions about electronic evidence in divorce, same sex marriage and QDROs.

10. Utah Divorce and Family Law

Utah Divorce and Family Law by Gregory W. Stevens

A fairly new blog that mostly deals with the tax consequences of various issues in divorce and family law. Recent posts include discussions about debt and credit due to divorce, child custody tax issues, and alimony and tax issues.

11. Louisville Divorce

Louisville Divorce by Diana L. Skaggs

A vibrant blog that is chock full of information. Recent posts include discussions about Hague Convention cases, collaborative law and IRS innocent spouse relief.

12. Family Lore

Family Lore by John Bolch

This is my choice for the top British family law blog. It is regularly updated, and contains lots of lively conversations. Recent posts include discussions about effect of conduct during divorce litigation, why marry? and divorce law reform.

13. Maine Divorce Law Blog

Maine Divorce Law Blog by Alan R. Nye – unfortunately, this blog no longer exists

Unfortunately, the content on this blog hasn’t been updated for a while, but it covers a lot of difficult topics in depth, such as domestic violence, that you don’t see on other family law blogs. Perhaps the author is too busy with his entertaining Al Nye the Lawyer Guy blog. Recent posts include discussions about divorce myths, marital rape and considerations to make before filing for divorce.

14. New Jersey Family Law Blog

New Jersey Family Law Blog by the Rotolo Law Firm

Provides a lot of valuable content in short and punchy posts. Recent posts include discussions about parentage, termination of parental rights and retroactive increases in child support.

15. Bloody Relations

Bloody Relations by Jacqui Gilliatt

The author of the blog is only disclosed to be a family lawyer in “very” North London (past the end of the Northern Line?). I’m not sure why the anonymity – this seems to be something that’s very British. But the author like cats, so you know she’s got to be a great person. And I love the name of the blog (update – the author has now revealed her identity). Recent posts include discussions about parental responsibility, international relocation and the duty of counsel.

16. Florida Divorce Law Blog

Florida Divorce Law Blog by Janet Langjahr

This blog has a very different feel to it than most of the other family law blogs. It often concentrates on injustices in the legal system and you can see that the author is passionate not just about the law but about justice. Recent posts include discussions about SWAT teams serving custody orders, child snatching and lying in family court.

17. Orange County Divorce

Orange County Divorce by Jeffrey Lalloway

One of the most regularly updated blogs on this list, the blog is written in a folksy style and covers a lot of divorce in the news items. Recent posts include discussions about Social Security and divorce, Britney Spears’ custody dispute and settlement of divorces before trial.

18. Divorce Solicitor

Divorce Solicitor by Lynne Bastow

A family law blogger who is not afraid of tackling controversial issues or being politically incorrect. There is lots of interesting dialogue happening on this blog. Recent posts include discussions about considerations for getting married, and a humorous post about divorce Barbie 🙂 and free legal advice.

19. Mississippi Family Law Blog

Mississippi Family Law Blog by Robert M. Kisselburgh

A fairly new blog that is starting to make its mark, this blog deals with a lot of practical issues. Recent posts include discussions about electronic filing of divorce documents,

20. Jeanne M Hannah

Jeanne Hannah by Jeanne M Hannah

Blogs from the heart about family law issues that people really care about. Offers great insights into family law. Recent posts include discussions about how old a child must be to be left at home alone, and parental kidnapping and grandparent visitation.

21. Australian Divorce

Australian Divorce by Stephen Page

. Our choice for best Australian family law blog. A young blog that is full of energy. Recent posts include discussions about economic abuse, property settlement for de facto couples and civil unions.

22. Hasler Law

Hasler Law by Sam Hasler

. A new blog that is rising quickly and one to watch out for in the future. The author is prolific, writes well, and makes difficult issues easy to understand. Recent posts include discussions about interstate custody issues, handling domestic problems and family law specialists.

23. Benussi Blog

Benussi Blog by Diane Benussi – update: unfortunately, this blog no longer exists

Deals with a lot of the non-legal issues involved in a divorce, with lots of practical tips for people going through the process. Recent posts include discussions about the emotional aspects of divorce, coping when your ex finds someone else, and having a good divorce.

24. Divorce Blog

Divorce Blog – by unknown – update: unfortunately, this blog no longer exists

A bit different from the other blogs in this list, this blog gives a personal recount of someone who has gone through a divorce. Contains a lot of insights as to what it is like to go through the legal and emotional aspects of a divorce. Recent posts include discussions about children adjusting to step-siblings, child maintenance calculators and dealing with divorce crap.

25. Indiana Family Law

Indiana Family Law by William Wilson

A new blog that has an excellent tutorial series about the basics of family law. Recent posts include discussions about courthouse technology issues, dividing the marital estate and custody evaluations.

26. Judith’s Divorce Blog

Judith’s Divorce Blog by Judith Middleton

This blog manages to find the humorous part of divorce. It also ties everyday ordinary things into family law and covers celebrity divorces. Recent posts include discussions about communications and divorce, old flames and affairs and dogs and divorce.

27. Maryland Divorce Lawyers

Maryland Divorce Lawyers by James Gross – update: unfortunately, this blog no longer exists

An excellent blogger who manages to turn information about family law into interesting stories that are enjoyable to read. The author also blogs about father’s rights in his Fathers’ Rights Law blog. Recent posts include discussions about spouses spending money on mistresses, legal fees and four way meetings.

28. Legal Family

Legal Family by anonymous (Lucy?)

Another anonymous blog. But the author is female, a barrister, lives in London, and takes the Central Line to get to work – update: the author is Lucy Reed. Recent posts include discussions about collaborative law, courtesy in court and hiring a private eye.

29. South Carolina Family Law

South Carolina Family Law by Ben Stevens

Contains a lot of in-depth articles about important issues in family law. The author also writes The Mac Lawyer (almost convincing me to switch over to a Mac) and the South Carolina Personal Injury blog. Recent posts include discussions about parenting coordinators, technology in divorce cases and parental rights of the disabled.

30. Texas Family Law Blog

Texas Family Law Blog by Sean Y. Palmer

Provides a quality resource on family law and answers people’s most burning questions about divorce. Recent posts include discussions about doctors and divorce, custody of frozen embryos and toll booth evidence.


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